AWS Elastic Beanstalk 100% of The Requests Are Erroring with HTTP 4xx

1 min readSep 9, 2017


It was really annoying when I received this false negative error notification emails from AWS Elastic Beanstalk Service for a few days, so I decided to take a look about what happened to my API server.

Below is a screenshot taken from eb’s monitoring page, my error notification ends at 19:19:00 UTC+0800

And then I check the access log of nginx

What’s up? Jorgee

Looking for a security vulnerability on my system ? Please STOP.

Lots of http status 403 Forbidden turned my eb environment red and sent the notification emails that weren’t supposed to be sent.

My solution was to make health check ignores 4xx http status, because it’s pretty common to have something like404 not found when someone calls a API path that doesn’t exist.

Everything looks great again !




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